Friday, January 6, 2012

Ringing in 2012.

Happy New Years! First of all I hope your new year is full of blessings and an over abundance  of cheer. Second of all I also hope it's full of difficulties and struggles.

Okay, now you might be thinking what in the world is she talking about? Let me explain because yes you could have both in this coming year. With struggles comes victory. With difficulties comes cheer. With obstacles comes triumpth. With God comes all of the above and peace. :)

But how? All you need is a little faith. God doesn't ask you for much. He just tells us to have faith in him and that He will take care of our problems. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." If God is there to give you strength  in everything than He will be there in your obstacles, your worries, your fears and he will bring you cheer, happiness, and peace.

Now your probably saying, but how do you want me to believe in someone that I can't see? Everyone is in titled to be a little skeptic at first because I was too. When I first started actually following God many thoughts ran in and out of my head. I kept asking myself the same question. Evey time I asked myself this question I believed in Him more and more each day.

When your doubting ask yourself this question: What has God done in my life that gives me reason to believe in him?

I'll give you some of my responses. God has given me a family that without him wouldn't even exist. God has given me health because without that I wouldn't be alive at this very moment. God has given me courage and love to fight for what I believe in and forgiveness to be able to forgive whoever does me wrong.

Sounds great right? I mean who wouldn't want to be the nicest most perfect human being out there? I definitely would but, sadly that doesn't exist. The only truly perfect being out there is God and God himself. Don't get me wrong we can and should definitely strive to be perfect but here is when the obstacles and troubles and worries step in. Here is also were God steps in. He comes to us and asks us to let him take control. I have already let him take the wheel why don't you let him take yours? Once again God bless you and I hope your year turns out to be the one you desire. :)

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